Monday, January 23, 2012

New Pictures!


Hola bandita!! como estan?!

we finally got a snow storm this week!! yeah a whole 4 inches!! it was
so cool though, it was enough to make a snow man as tall as me!!!
well....thats not that tall, anyway you getthe point!! soy

so i dont know if you remember a guy named Sam Torres....he was a less
active that elder freeman and i were working with back when i first
got here 8 months ago!! well we finally got in contact with him!!
yeah! he is doing good, he is working still, his divorce is still
going through the process but man it was so good to see him! saturday
we helped him do some renovation on his house, he has to make another
apartamento out of it so he doesnt lose it, so we put up drywall,
knocked out a couple of walls, painted, and it was so much fun!! in
the process we talked with his bro in law who isnt a member and has a
REALLY bad past, but he really respects the church with his wife being
a member and he wants to really be one, but its been a really big long
battle so we are giong to see if we can baptize him, it would be
really sweet to see that happen! but anyways we are going back over on
tuesday to share a message about faith with him!!

We also had a sweet noche de hogar, FHE, with noe and elvys and a
member and it was so good! elvys and noe are just on fire and they are
really learning, doing what they need to in order to recieve the
blessings! i love when less actives go active! they are so strong and
are so dedicated! its all about love! for 8 months ive worked with the
both of them, and now we have finally been able to get them in church
consistently and doing what they need to in order to prepare for the
priesthood, and the temple!! i love it!!

i also had an exchange with elder lopez and we had a blast!! he is so
humble and we learned a ton together!! such a diligent and hardworking
misionero and i really look up to him! the district meeting that i
planned this week taught us all a lot! i dont know how i did it, but i
related studying for our investigators to a game of baseball, and
demonstrated it in the gym! it was so sick!! we all kind of just blew
our minds as a district, and the spirit is really strong! i know that
as a missionary, i dont study for me, i study for them and as i am
doing that, i will always learn more! the lord is good!!

we started up futbol on friday nights again and it went great!! we had
a good turnout of about 25 people there!! it was good, we all had a
good time, and have 3 new investigators from it! man john and luis are
just a 2 man battle ship! they are bringing more members of the family
to the church, so there is real potencial there! actually, john gave a
talk yesterday en la iglesia!! it was so good! on the libro de mormon!
he has such a strong testimony and everyone was saying and asking if
we helped him, and we didnt do one thing! he prepared and everything!
gotta love recent converts! Maximo also was assigned to speak, and
hahaah basically preached a sermon of the book of mormon!! we kinda
have to let him know about that...he did great though!! :)

as for all of that, everything is going great! jorge lopez, fransisco
borrero, fransiscos perez jr and sr, victor, vivian, yuriana and
jorgito are all preparing for baptism on the 12th and 19th de
febrero!! we are seeing the blessings of the lord here and i love it!
got 9 months left to save souls!!! the work is true, god is good, and
the savior loves us! i know it. and ill never deny it!! DyC 122:7

Elder Gallego


Hey everyone!! ok this week was super nuts! the weather has gotten
just tremendo with all this winter thing and no snow! i dont like it!
but we just keep working! it got super cold this week, i have been
sleeping in pj pants and a lava lava wrap like normal, and am still a
bit cold! but we are surviving.

i just got out of the dentist and got my teef all fixed up and my face
is in a great amount of pain i dont like the dentist, anyways, we have
2 more people ready for baptism, Victor is 10 and his sister vivian is
11 they will both be baptized on the 12th of febrero which is the last
day of the transfer! time is seriously just flying out here, and i
know that my emails have been super boring lately with all the things
that are on my mind and all the things to do, it just super gets hard!

one thing that i have learned this week is the rehabilitating power of
prayer, and how it helps us no matter where we are at and what we are
doing! i have so much faith in my savior jesucristo and i know that he
is there for me and helps me whenever i need him! have the faith to go
to him and ask him for anything, he wants to know!

i also learned something really cool about a testimony, that
testimony- real testimony said by the spirit and confirmed by the holy
ghost- changes lives! it is so true and it is so real! one time, my
mission president just got up and bore his testimony by simply saying,
"He Lives". one of the most powerful experiences with the spirit i
have ever had in my entire life! i feel that my testimony is strong
and firm and founded on jesucristo because i feel his presence in my
life, and i challenge you to do the same. there is nothing better than
this feeling, and that is the truth! he loves us and no matter what
the case is, wants us to know that before anything else.

as we have been looking for more people to teach this week, we set a
goal of getting 4 references de los miembros, and then having 5 new
investigators, well we got the 4 references and we had 9 new
investigators this week! totally insane! the lord blesses us when we
want it and are doing what we need to to get it. i know that he lives,
and because he lives, i live and i live to learn how to get back to
him, and will help as many people as i possibly can in order to do
that, this is his work, i love being an instrument of that work, with
my companion, we are helping change lives, and the blessings are

la obra del senor es grande en si mas si nosotros pensamos que el
adversario se nos pueda controlar- es falso! los quiero muchisimo!

Elder Gallego


Que onda!

this week flew by like no other!! the time out here seems to go by fast and fast every week! we are having a lot of success and have found lots of new people to teach, also something i realized that is my english is getting really really bad, i dont know why, but i am really trying to get a grip on it, it hard when you talk spanish all day long!!

this week, we had about 200+ people in church! pretty insane! we are having success with the less actives, and our retencion with our converts that are new was really good, 11/12 came to church!! oh, happy anniversary mom and dad!! we found 9 more people to teach, 5 of are referencias de los miembros!! the members are the key to having success as a misionero!

also, the new elder in the district, elder flake is so tall!! but he is from AZ and it was so cool to talk about muddin and all that cool stuff, az people are so cool :) oh! so maximo, yeah studd!! he got called as the new ward mission leader in our barrio so we are super stoked about that, he is going to help us a lot, and we now have someone who actually likes their calling! always magnify your calling to the best of your ability, only YOU are called to that posicion and it is because the lord wants to help you learn something! 

there is still no snow here, have no idea what is going on with the weather, but we are just going to keep working hard! it was cool to see all the missionaries on tuesday at transfers, i saw my old comp elder de leon, he is doing good, and i realized the my soa and i are the only companionship that has stayed together for 4 transfers in a long time! my comp is going to be training soon, i know it!! he is a powerhouse!

as for more bautismos, we got the 3 fransiscos preparing, yuriana and jorgito, isaias, and possibly a couple other new ones. THe lord is just pouring out blessings and it is so cool to be a part of it! i love this work, i know that it is true, and that as a missionary i have been able to grow by serving others, and i know that is the part most important because we are instrumentos en las manos del senor! hope everything is good back in AZ and wherever you are!! i love you and thank you for your prayers and support!!

Elder Gallego


Well, here we are in a new year!! philly is crazy on new years!! haha everyone had fireworks!! totally nuts! we had a great time together as a district and it was really cool!!

this week we worked our butts off and had a lot of success with finding new people and working through the new and less active members in our ward but we also had a really amazing sunday! first of all, we confirmed maximo and luis and they were really touched by the spirit! maximo told me that he had never felt anything so strong!! it was so cool and we had a great experience with him and luis!! luis turned his papers in to the bishop and so they will start all of the doctors appts that he needs to get him ready for his mision!  

i also was asked by manny butler, the father of alessandra who we baptized in oct, to bless his brand new baby girl in church!! what a crazy powerful experience!! i have no idea what its like to be a father but i love that little girl (alyanna) like she was mine :) it was such a strong experience with the spirit!! also, they arent moving me yet so i will still be here!! with the same companion too!! this will be our 4th transfer together!! totally crazy!! we are really excited!! 

sorry this is so short we just have no time!! gots to go eat in an hour!! but the new direction to the mission office is

721 Paxon Hallow Rd. Suite B 
Broomall, PA 19008

i love you all and i hope you have a happy new years! make sure to make new goals and write them out! 

Vision-Goals-Plans-Actions            thats what its all about! i love you all!!

Elder Gallego