Monday, June 20, 2011


so this week has been filled with a ton of stuff, and i got 17 minutes to power through it all!! Get used to really short emails!!

-i had an exchange with the district leader this past week, and it really lifted my spirits up i really needed to laugh my head off with someone!! Also i talked to president, he gave me some good ideas of what to do, i am just having to have a better attitude with the whole thing!
-It poured rain on me and the district leader this week, when we were on the exchange!! I was soaked from head to toe it was so awesome!! People thought that we were crazy!!! Thats for sure!!
-who won the nba finals?
Dad Happy fathers day!!! Hope you had a good one and hope you are catching some good waves for me there in cali!!!!!
-We had a great turnout for our book of mormon class that we teach every week this past tuesday, also we have been finding a couple people here and there through some friends of the members! got another person, giovanni, who will be getting a baptismal date this week so im really excited!! I hope that it all goes well. He is battling depression so its a bit rough.
-this week i really got to use my priesthood! I was asked to give 4 blessings this week! I love being able to hold and carry the power to bless the lives of others. It really makes me happy!!!
-instead of making to do lists, why dont we start making "to Be" lists. I know that if we do that, whoever it was that said it in conference, we will be able to increase our personal progress as well as others, because then we will be able to help them when we ourselves are capable after the changes that we have made. I know that it is going to bless your lives! We have to do what james says, we need to be Doers of the word rather than hearers of the word! ANd always remember that faith without works is dead!!!
-Well, i want to let you know that this is the true church. The gospel truths have found a home in my heart, and i am so grateful to be going through the struggles of a mission! I really am learning how to rely on my father in heaven for the answers that i need. He is always there for us if we just go to him!! Never be afraid to change, especially if it is for him. He will always bless us. DOnt be afraid to ask for help!! It is there for us! I love you all, read pray and go to church!!

Philly is awesome, i've been out for 8 months now!! YEAHHH!!!! haha love you all!!

Elder Gallego

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