Thursday, May 31, 2012


wow! this week it rain SO MUCH!! we had some HUGE flood and everything! it was like AZ STYLE!! so cool!

so this week we did not have a bautismo, yolanda and hno reyes dont have the money yet, so we teach them about putting the money they have to the divorce from the other wife so they can get married and hno reyes really feel the spirit! i was on exchange with one of the Assistants of presidente schaefermeyer, Elder Grayson. we had great exchange and were able to juss run allentown all day!! we teach many lessons to many new people, and set 2 more dates for baptism of a family from a less active! it is her daughter and her grandson! they are from honduras! so exciting because in the lesson, elder grayson doesnt understanding ingles so like when the spirit hit, man it HIT! we both look and say to eachother Mormon 7:10, and we share that scripture and i was able to invite them to baptize and they say yes!! it was so cool bc they have been so hard lately and in the right moment, the spirit helping us and we were able to do that! it was so excited!!

we learn a lot this week about the great plan of hapiness from the stake presidente and it was very interesting as he teach us in P.E.C. on sunday about the importance that the plan of god is, it revolves around US and it is for US! so that we may have hapiness in our life, we have to make covenants, keep them, and continue learning and growning through the srcipture study, prayers, and atenting the templo and the church. i know that as i have been doing that in my life, the spirit has been stronger, the love i have for others is bigger, and the many things that the lord has in store for me come so much more real, like i notice the spirit guiding me in life! it is so importante that we make the spirit our guide, we be worthy and willing to listen and recieve the teaching we need, and we do all we can to be great examples!

also, we learn on sunday about the importancia of talking and listen!! padres e hijos have to learn to listen and talk to eachother with respeto and with love. i say so much that things have to do with love, but think about the most powerful power in the world/universe! it is love! it cant be describe only felt, given, showed, and learned through experience. i know my padres always talked to me, and i didnt want to talk to them, but now i know it was time i didnt make good, and i miss it. to you young peoples, the parents you have are YOURS nobody else. they are there to help guide love and give what you need. you too have to do the same. that is how you learn, grow, and most importantemente, that is how you LOVE! accion, and realmente showing that you love is so hard, but it is a great process to start! i know that as padres e hijos start to love comunicate and listen to eachother the familia will be stronger and will feel more close and uplifting.

we continue working with many people, bryan read but didnt ask if it was true so we still waiting for that, and juan is doing good, but didnt make it to church yesterday, we are having much sucess with the sports night for the youth, and many come! also, we were able to give a blessing to a less active daughter that HAD pneumonia but doesnt anymore :) that was miracle!! oh! Grandma Pat!! leny, the lady you talk to on the phone when i called, she made me gello cake! it was so good!! anyways, just thought i say that, make me miss my grandma pat! :) this church is the way, He is the light, and we are the followers! 1 Nefi 8 

Elder Gallego

Thursday, May 24, 2012


camara, ya estoy peinado para tras y ya tu sabes! Como estan?! this week was so fast, i not able to believe how fast it is going but it ok, we are working so hard!! hey, is taylor vogan in the liahona that jus came out?! i swear it him that is with the girl and the paraguas and they are in the snow...freakin me out here! well, i got a little time so i be fast here, it raining AGAIN and we got to go and change laundry so i give you the things that happening this week!

first, i meet a member, Miguel Barrientos, he was playing baseball for the minessota twins minor league team and he had tommy john cirugia so he is trying to get back, well we play catch and stuff, it been like a year and a half, well i throw to him and tried to pitch a little and stuff, he is a catcher and he say that i still got the arm and that it was like 80-85 and i was really surprise, but he say that he can hook me up after the mision with baseball, so i dont know but i be praying this week with what i should focus on when i come home, and i meet him and all that come about so...we see!! :) creo que el senor me dara otra chance para cumplir mis deseos!! pero seguire enfocandome en lo que estoy haciendo ahorita...ensenando y compartiendo el evangelio restaurado con los demas!

with miguel, he be having many fear about getting a calling and stuff, so we talked to him about the importancia to tener el priesthood and he is excited! i tell him my story with baseball and how church come first because that is what i promise heavenly father at bautismo, he is so special, and we are working so close with his familia! pray for them! also, sad but we gave a blessing to a menos activos dad, and he pass away yesterday in the morning :/ in the blessing, it was so hard, but it was as if i was telling luis to accept the gospel when he die, and we sealed him to the lord, one of the most powerful blessing i ever been able to be part of, the lord really does guide and direct us in the very moment when we are worthy and willing to magnificar the power we have! his daughter, maria, and his son are going to now get to church, and his son is not a member so we see what happen with that, they feel the spirit so strong and all teared up i toll them to make sure to show their dad they love him by the thing they do, he will be watching and waiting to see them again. it was so powerful, and i now know that God know us so very personally. en 1 Nefi 10:17-19 we read about revelacion and the way it come, read it and live it! it is so importante to learn from others, no matter who, but especially the profetas that speak to us and tell us what God need us to do! En DyC 58:26-28 it tell us that we have the power to do what is right, now we just have to do it! we not perfect but that why we are here, if we be perfect, this life not would have reason! so as we are learning, reading praying and go to church, remember why we go to church, DyC 110:5. that hold the power to clean us from our sins, and we promise to do better, i know it is posible to be the best we can be. like presidente Hinckley always say, Stand a Little Taller. even if you short, that mean nothing! you puedes rise above the rest of the world and do what is right! i know this to be true and know that when i do what right, i feel it. i know that God love me, and he love you, the same.

so this week, hopefully yolanda get married so we can get her baptized and she is really excited! they just need money to do it so pray that hno reyes and her get that money to be able to baptize her! we meet 12 new people to teach this week, and one is the son of less active member. his name is bryan and he is waiting to get his answer on el libro de mormon, we had very spiritual leccion and he is scared to change but he want to do it, so we invited him to bautizarse and he acepto the invitacion and his date is 17 de Junio! we already be teaching him for long time, but he now want to do what God want, maybe serve a mision! so we are working very closely with him!

this week, our power like blow out and stuff, we like what the world was that?! well we wait and like 10 min later we open the door to see what be happening and a police was there, he say "your power go out?" yeah, "jaja well a squirell chewed the wire and blow up!" jaja, sad squirell, but the police was way cool, he was laughing and everything, i surprise that the squirell got all thru the wire! crazy stuff, also this morning some yehoo was comiting suicide on the bridge outside our apartamento and the cops were there for like 3 hour trying to get him not to do it, and finally he got down. then some lady see us and ask hey you a mormon? i say si claro!! she say how many wife yo have!? well, i dont have one yet. So she say well how many can you have? jus one. she says, "LIAR!" i read about you mormons, and then she kept waling jajaj i was dying laughing, i cant help it! people that ask and dont listen to the actual source, a member of the church, so pointless. But that how life is!

the church is so true, this work is amazing, and i going to make the most of the last 5 month i have as misionero!! hope to hear from my little bro and his call for the mision!! love you all!

Elder Gallego


Hola!! so not very many things i have to say today, i say many things to my family yesterday and it make me feel so much more better!! i feel like the lord bless me with a great familia jus for me, and that the familia that we all have is specifically for us. it so important remember that we are all children of god and that we are same in his eyes, so i dont have the best familia in the world, but i do have the perfect familia por mi :)

thing went by so fast this week, we start piano classes and it was so fun! i learning again what i learn so long ago but forgot! the branch need more people to help out! also we have a new district leader, elder stauffer, he is elder mailo companion from the MTC! he is so cool, and did very good on his district meeting. we focus on faith and prayer, and i realize that my prayer need to be more sincere and more heartfeld and stuff, so i be focusing on that lately and has very helped me a lot! i love the power of prayer and know that is has many great blessings for us! it is real and can heal us and the power of the atonement cant work without prayer...remember jesus, he pray to heavenly father in the garden, even he pray! that should tell us how important for us is to pray every day, and read the scriptures!! i love prayer, the scriptures and this gospel, the gospel of jesucristo!

i got to go to the templo on friday! so cool!! i not really understand a lot of the thing but i feel like new person! the spirit was so strong, and it was very special! we were able to do some sealing, an endowment sesion and the sealing of miguelito and vanessa! the templo es the place most sacred to our father in heaven. it is the house of the lord, and we have to make ourself be worthy to enter. to my brother alec, who has his papers to go on a mision, go to the temple often, you are going to be great misionero and jus remember what i tell you last night...i never forget that experience. i love you and hope you are able to prepare for the mision! and others that are going, make it count. be ready and be humble. it is so dificil to let go of our pride, and it never is a possible to be prideless, but we can be more humble todos los dias! the importance of renewing covenants and doing those things efect our life forever!! i know the templo es la casa del Senor!

i learn a great lesson yesterday from a very special amigo, that in personal study, it is so that we grow personalmente, even though i here serving others, i have to grow before i want others to, so that time i spending to study for my investigators and others need to be for when i learn the many important thing my father in heaven want to comunicate to me. i am forever change for the experience of that, the morning i study the atonement, because in my bendicion patriarcal it tell me that i need to learn as much possible of the atonement, and my eyes finally begin to understand just how importante es la expiacion and how with it we have a way back. i know this, i always have, but when we ponder the scriptures and really study them for us, it make us feel amazing, and most especial it make us feel peace. that is one thing that i love about the scripture!! gracias amigo, te queiro mucho!! i hope you all understand the love available for the gospel. live it. love it. be it! 

Elder Gallego


ayy NO!! it is a new transfer! i only having 4 more of these!!! :/ the time is flying by so fast, and there is so many things that we are doing that it is so very hard to keeping track!! but this week was a great week and there was so much of the spirit that i felt, i love it!!

yesterday we had the confirmaciones and they were so good! i confirmed Rosalyn and the presidente de la rama confirmo a Ansolny! Jeremy was confirmed by Hno. Romero, he is the first counselor in the branch and the young men presidente!! it was so great, and the spirit was very strong! Pronto we having more bautismos! We have 7 people getting ready for the 27 of mayo!! so exciting!! testimony meeting was a great one yesterday, and we had many less actives come to church! we finish almost the lista de los miembros menos activos, that was 187 people! but only about 15 familias still live at the same place and we not know where the others are! :/ it ok though, we going to get new members so that the capilla se llene!! i found a great scripture this week, it in DyC 63:47- it talking about perseverancia! i know that if we perseverar to the end the lord is blessing us and our lifes, our familias will have the ting necesarias to live a good life and we too will become more humble and meek in the many great trails we have. remember tempation come from satan, trials come from God. he love us so much that he wanting us to become great and marvelous to all. I have been able to learn many things as a misionero and i learn the importance of repentace and forgiveness, paciencia, love! charity! hope! so many great things the lord bless us with when we doing what he ask!

Another scripture i found is in DyC 61:36-39 i love this because he telling us to be de buen animo (be of good cheer) my presidente de mision always be telling us that, he is always smiling like i always say, i hope that many people in the world becoming like this because there are so many things that i wanting to do, but i know that the gospel of jesucristo is the ways and the hapiness that i need in my life. por ejemplo, i love beisbol. anyone who knowing me know that i loving beisbol, but i have to let that go to serve the lord, something that was so hard for me. anyone remember when i crash and busted up my elbow?! i know that happen for a reason, becuase at the point in my life i be thinking much about beisbol and i know that it happen for a reason, i know that if that didnt happen i would mostly be playing beisbol like i wanted and the lord made a way for me to fulfill my call. i love the gospel, i love the lord so much, i know i may be getting small, but my spirit is getting much stronger!! i have great testimony of this work and the great importancia it haveing in my life!

i heard great news this week, the butler familia, remember them? they were the little kids we baptised with john, it was on oct when we did that, well, manny, he is the father of alessandra, i bless his baby in sacrament on new years day! remember him now? ok well his mother and father got sealed!! his father has be member for many many years, and was smoking but they stopped, they both got the melquisedec preisthood last week with luis rodas y maximo saldana, and manny got his endowments with his dad, and they got sealed!! it so special to me because i tell the hna butler that they get sealed this year and she tell me that she hoping, well it happen and i was so happy to hear!! also, i going to the temple and i so excited! miguelito, the elder quorum presidente is getting sealed and married to vanessa, she is a convert of one year and is ready to get in the temple! so elder Reese and i (elder reese cuz it is his convert) are going on friday to the templo!! i so excited!! i dont remember many things and i so excited to renew my convenants with padre celestial because they are so importante!! ok also, the mendoza familia--fernan, ana, margarita e irma---remember them? well the other two kids of ana--adonay e Zaira, they getting baptized!! yeah!! so crazy!! in the rio de susquehana!! and i cant go :/ but it ok, presidente will take fotos i hope. i so excited for all of the work that is going on here, in other areas, and i know that the lord is the light.

this week, we had a fiesta el 5 de mayo!! there was a dance and everyting!! so cool, we ate and had some investigadores there so that was good! we did it with the english ward and they learn how to dance Bachata!! jaja so hilarious!! also, we had the sports night with the youth and there are many that coming now and we playing voleibol and baloncesto and all that! it so fun, i wishing people can play futbol tho but we waiting till it getting hotter to go outside on a field! it so cool, presidente tell us that we are allowed to go to a phillies game!! so any monday day game we are allowed to go! i so excited, but there are none soon :/ it ok though, soon we be seeing them!!

well, mis amigos, tyler and nyal are done with the mision, loco!! nyal, learn espanish!! jaja!! thing going good here, many lecciones, this week we teach 50 lessons!! it was so crazy and the time flying by!! but there are so many people to see, and needing more time to do it!! there was 14 investigadores in church yesterday! many people feeling the spirit and the love of the savior. i know it is true. not one single cosa is wrong with this church. it is perfecta and we are not, so let it perfect us and one dia we will be like HIM!! this is the goal!!! i love you all!! gracias y FELIZ CUMPLEANOS MAMA!! o y FELIZ DIA DE LA MADRE TODAS LAS MADRES POR AHI! mom, so you knowing, you are amazing, i love you so much, it not matter how many years you have, everyone here thinking you are jovencita! young! so not worry about the age, it ok!! :) you are B-E-A-UTIFUL!! and alyssa y grandmas! i love you all and happy mother dia!! have great weeks!!

Elder Gallego


HOLA!! QUE PACHUCA POR TULUCA!! i not even know what that mean but i hear it this week and i died laughing!

weill i glad to hear that padre celestial bless mi hermanito with his crash, it ok he took it like ROD! i am jus green with jealous rage right now!! dont forget, life short....STUNT IT! i love you chandler, you a tough kid, not let a little accidente causar that you not drive again...jus remember that i back into a pole, and derek truck! so dont feel bad! alec done it too!! and alyssa crash too! well, i think all have crash, it just an experience that you have to learn from. te amo hermanito!! eres fuerte y no dejes que eso te impida trabajar tampoco hacer las cosas cotidianas. estaras bien!

so this week, we had the 3 bautismos!! jeremy, rosalin y ansolny!! it was so espiritual! the whole rama stayed for the service and the spirit was so strong! i love being a missionary and i love helping others get into the bautismo!! it is so importante that we set so good example for others to see and follow if they choose to do so. i know that many time in my life i had oportunidades de follow the better ejemplo and i not do it, so dont be that person, set a good ejemplo and others will follow. the best leaders in the world are those who follow a good ejemplo!! jesucristo only followed the ejemplo that his father gave him! remember that! and he is nuestro guia and our ejemplo for these life! i love the gospel, and have not feeling the spirit as strong this week with being sick and everything but that just satan try to throw things off like he always TRIES! HA but we is more stonger!! the lord give us strength in all that we doing!

with that, there was 10 investigators in church and they are all progressing very much! one is the father of jeremy e rosalin! his name is guzman! he was smililng and everyting at the servicio bautismal and it was really good to have him there, he say he be coming next week too! also, solanlly, her son ansolny got baptize and solanlly has been thru many trials and things in her life and is such a great ejemplo for others to follow in repentance and doing the necesario to have a happy life. she soon will be bautizado and i am so excited cuz it has been a journey for her and the family.

on tuesday, we had interview with presidente, i not know what happen to me but i see him and i cant stop laughing! he was too and he like WHAT?! i dont know presidente!! i just happy! he say me too! now can you pray?! ayyy NO! i have to do it en ingles so it was like really bad, and i got stuck and jus said amen, he jus look at me smiling, weeeelll, that was good :D jaja crack me up!! we talk about the importancia of obediencia and i share with him my now strong testimony of obediencia and the many blessing that come from it. i know it is importante and not matter the situacion, obediencia is the mos importante!! DyC 130:20-21

i also talk to him about bautismos, and he tell me that the record that one misionero get since he be presidente is 33. well i tell him that i have 24 and that my companion and i be working hard to beat that record. something importante, i not do it for the record i do it for the lord, and for presidente becuase he telling me that i can do it, and he expect me to do it, so we having to work hard! i not know if i hold it for very long though cuz elder Mailo has a goal of 54 and he already have like 17 i think! so we see! my goal at first was 30 but i know that the lord will bless us with people to put a number with, not just be a number! all my converts have stay active too! that is the most importante! bautismo no es nada sin la conversion! i love this work!!

this week, had many work with the less active and are almost finish with the lista, so we have clean this area up a lot!! not many people live in the same place :/ we not know where either! but we going to fill the church with new members!! also, the doctor tell my companion that he prolly having ADHD! :D so 2 misioneros de ARIZONA with ADHD! ORALE!! well mine is very calm now, i still be taking my pill for concentracion and thing like that, and they going to give him the same one. he really do have it though now that i notice! he is excited though, and SO AM I! then we be able to work hard!! many thing ahead for allentown! transfer are next tuesday i hoping that they not move neither one of us!! that would be nice!! this work is so very true! the libro de mormon is so importante!! read it! pray about it! miracles WILL occur! i promise..

Elder Gallego


Buenas!! this week was very good! my email will just have to be shorter porque i can not write all ingles and i want to not use so much time so we can go and write letters to peoples!

just kidding! anyway, we have much success this week, i love being misionero, feliz cumpleanos alyssa y derek! your both old!

so this week, there was much to do and we see many people! the list for less active that i make is almost finish and we just have to visit a few more personas so that we can be able to start a list with the branch on the 15 personas that we want to focus on! most of them not even live at the direccion that is on the lista but we are making all the fixes and stuff! the weather is being crazy and it rains a lot for the past two days! this sunday we having 3 bautismos and it will be great! i will have oportunidad to baptize rosalin, and jeremias want his older brother, luis, to bautizarlo! so that will be good! then ansolny want el hno villafane to bautizarlo so it will be great service! also, we have more people listos for bautismo- juan y mercedes, yolanda, emilisa, eleuterio e idalia y solanlly. they will be for may and june and so we will be very busy!! it was great to see them, and have powerful lesson on the spirit, the importancia del bautismo and then to read from las escrituras..that is so importante and el libro de mormon has answer to all questions. i know this is true and i know that my savior live and he love me very much! it was very cool with mercedes because at first she say she is catolica and we be with el presidente payba, he is branch president and he say well we believe en jesucristo too so you can listen. and she after like cinco minutos came and sat down and was listening as we teach juan the gospel of jesucristo. it was very good, and very powerful and i invite mercedes to baptize and she say yes! she want to be a good example for her husband cuz he is very hard person. it was great though!

benito leave to mexico, so i hope tyler get him baptize down there!! we also be teaching hector y luz and they are progress good we invite them to be baptize too but they are so scared! with time they do it!

with jeremias y rosalin, we have a great relationship with them, luis their brother that is older, has many issues, and he want to leave the house on wednesday because his parents yelling at his in front of us, well it was not a good situation, we talk to him and listen to him....a great way to help people is to listen, not to fix them. they need to be listen to and then we know how to help, and his parents not do that so they tell us to talk to him alone, and he cry and everything, it was very sad, and it was late, but we sat them all down, and we started with a prayer....that is the key! pray guide us in every way, and our heavenly father know what we need always! so we do that and we put goals on paper, of thing tha luis need his parents to do/stop doing and they do the same. i know this from experience. he had many lying problems, andi been through all that, many problems i have had that now helping me to help people. they hugg at the end and we had a great experience. the dad is not a member and he was smiling after and we make good friendship with him.

i learn that it may be hard, and si it is hard, but we have to have patient and be loving. god never leave us and i think he be frustrated many time, but he so willing to forgive us and help us with love and charity. i was not letting these parents give up and be ok with luis leaving, and i not let him either! it was great lesson and i have so much love for that family. the father will asist the baptism of jeremias y rosalin, since they his kids. they are very excited!

well, other than all this, thing are going good, working hard we are and there are so many people to be taught! less actives, again, jeremias y rosalin are referencias from their mom, she was less active, less active are the best! solanlly is a less active as well, and ansolny is her son! so all my succes come from less active member of the church! they are the stong and we have so much to learn from them! i love the scriptures, en Alma41:14-15, 42:30-31, Mark 7:20-23, those versiculos help me so much and the testimony of this work is just like that. we have to ask for help when we need it, not be prideful and have to love! love love love love AMOR!! it is so importante!! i love you all, and i say it many times, but i truly mean it and i really aprecio the support and the love you give me. this week will be great, and i pray that everyone have a great week and know the importante to read, pray and stay active in church. use the priesthood, bless peoples live and always choose right things!! this is so importante!! tthis church is so true!!  

Elder Gallego


hola everyone! this week was so fast and so much we did!
things are good here, we have 3 baptism the 29 de abril and we are so happy! jeremias, rosalin and Ansolny will get baptize!! oh nyal, FELIZ CUMPLEANOS! el 19 de abril!

so this week, we had to run in the hail, that was so adventure! and it make us so wet and it was so nuts! way fun! we visit so many less active this week, after the ward council meeting, the branch president want us to get all the less active back to the church and we try so hard! a lot do not live at the address, and the number not work so we not know que paso con ellos! but we are get many people excited about the gospel, and trying to work very hard!

our sport night was great, there came 25 people at least, all jovenes and we play baloncesto futbol and voleibol! it was so much fun and they brought there friend too so it was a good activity for all!! hey dad, we have a activity on 11 de mayo and i need the tamales recipie. por favor!

i start get really tired, well just no energy, por my companion, he has some problemas with his health, we get his blood checked and we find out what happening on friday. he is just always so out of it, and not teach or talk so it has make me really talk a lot and do almost all things. i have much patient and love for him, we get along good and have lot of fun and success together!

so when we looked for a less active, we get to a house, looking like a total redneck, well this dog starts to bark at me and i just walk right at it and he like freak out, all the sudden some hillbilly screams at this dog, but it so funny! he say, "BROCK!! SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!!" i laugh so hard man, my comp didnt even know what to say, and this man start tallking to me and i not understand anything!! i i look for my companion and he is almost peeing for laughing so hard, so funny. and the member, hno tomas, he is the primer consejero en the branch and he was laughing, but he is puerto rican so he understand very little ingles, this dude was so hilarious though.

so as we be looking for less active, visiting investigatores, we found felix and greilys again, he is very sick from his cancer treatments. it is sad, but we will continue to teach and see if he come to church!! yesterday, i spake in sacrament meeting on miracles. the church, mi familia, la mision everything we have in our lifes is a miracle!! i know that it is so importante to be obediente and have faith to get miracles, but we are all miracles! Alma 37:6-7 that is it!!

i also had to translate for the high counselor that speaking in the sacrament meeting, and then i teach the gospel principle and elders quorum, haha the elder quorum presidente just say that he not want to teach the lesson so i offer to do it. he is really a headache but its ok. we are trying to make him happy!

anyways, yesterday i got hit in the face by a baseball bat. we be playing wiffle ball with the youth at an activity and i was standing behind someone with our backs facing eachother, and i felt that i had to move but it was too late because he missed and his swing around hit me justo en the boca. hurt so bad man, he was like laughing, we i did too, but it swell all up and chip a little pice of my teeth! it ok though because you cant tell, but now my lip is very fat and the face is all purple and stuff. it was going to be a great picture!! fun stuff!

well, i know that this email is lame, but i hope that you know the love i have for the savior and the work that this is. it is the true work and i know the lord bless all of us for being good member and servant for him. there is no other place to feel peace or find happiness eterno. i love this work! Andele!

Elder Gallego